About Us


Namastay is all about comfort, travel and being the best version of you!  We have carefully thought about every item and given it as much attention to detail and love as possible.

We are constantly updating our fashion choices and our selections are based on recommendations from our customers.  Every piece is named after someone who has inspired me, so look out for the story!  A little bit of fun here!

So if you feel we have missed anything please email us directly and be brutally honest! We care and can only learn by our mistakes! hello@namastay.au

We hope you enjoy your online shopping with us and we aim to provide you with the best products and the most amazing experience possible. 

If you are having trouble with the online experience (and let's be honest it's not my thing and not for everyone! I'd love to hear from you personally so call us directly at the shop on 08 9192 1313 and we will chat like real people!)

Yours in health and happiness

Namastay xxx

Annette and my Amazing team!